31 Days of Making, Day 3/4: Original Song and Visualization
This is day 3 and 4 of my 31 days of making. This is a two-parter. On day 3, I created an original song in Logic using homemade sine wave and 808 patches. On day 4, I used Processing and the Minim audio library to create a dynamic visualization for the song. The Song I... Read More
31 Days of Making, Day 2: Made a Movie about Snow
This is day 2 of my 31 days of making. I put together this video to capture the vibe of driving in upstate New York during a snowstorm. Music, video, and editing by yours truly.
31 Days of Making, Day 1: Drew a Snowflake
This is day 1 of my 31 days of making. I drew this snowflake with Procreate on the iPad. I used a textured brush to paint a background layer, then flooded a secondary layer with a solid color and used a brush pen with the radial symmetry drawing grid to erase the secondary layer and... Read More
December Challenge: Make Something Every Day
I’m back on Facebook after being off for more than a month. I learned quite a bit from the experience. It was difficult the first few weeks. It may sound absurd, but I would randomly type the Facebook url in my browser without even thinking about it. I also found myself taking fewer pictures since... Read More
Bookmarklet: Archive Page to Wayback Machine
Jeffrey Zeldman shared this helpful tip for saving web pages to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine: Typing https://t.co/R5w2bQZKWz in front of any URL saves that content in the Wayback Machine forever. Nasty tweet? Type https://t.co/R5w2bQZKWz in front of the URL, and archive it forever. Hat tip: @t. — zeldman (@zeldman) February 23, 2019 I reference... Read More
Ok, get some popcorn. Here's my crazy NYC story about a tornado, a rented Mustang, 3 strangers, and a fracas involving a labradoodle and the NYPD.
With A Little Help From My Friends
Yesterday, I asked a simple question on Facebook and Twitter: “Recommend something to me. I don’t care what it is… just anything you love.” The response was overwhelming. I got recommendations for everything from music to products, podcasts and places to visit, things I should experience and overall life advice. What was most fascinating to... Read More
A Simple Explanation of Meltdown and Spectre
Ars Technica put together a good breakdown of the complexities behind the recent Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities plaguing Intel chips (and possibly others). Here’s an overly-simplistic explanation of what’s happening: When code sends an operation to your computer’s processor, the processor will run that operation at the same time that it’s figuring out if the... Read More
Let me begin with the big news: tomorrow morning, I start my new role as Associate Director of Business Development at 10up, a web design agency that makes finely crafted websites and tools for content creators like Microsoft, Time, ESPN, and Adobe. The title is a mouthful, but basically my job will be to understand... Read More
I’ve spent a week now off Facebook. Most likely you didn’t notice and don’t care, but for someone who typically spends hours each day on Facebook sharing original content and attempting to engage in meaningful conversations—it was a bit “cold turkey.” For me, this is one of my primary means of engaging with the world... Read More
If you follow me on Facebook, you know I’ve been thinking (and writing) a lot about this upcoming election. Now that Election Day is here, I thought I’d share a few final thoughts as I head into the voting booth. My Faith Informs My Vote First, a few thoughts about being a Christian and a... Read More
Today is my last day at Simply Recipes.
Using hidden meta tags to pass more appropriate Google images that may not appear on the page.
Facebook Reactions: What do they mean for your News Feed?
Facebook Reactions just went live today.
I do so much, and I love it all.