Comment Policy or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Mob
All of the trains out of Penn Station today were delayed an hour. I knew something was wrong when the amount of people on the street and around the station was nearly triple an average day. It was actually quite humorous, watching the teeming masses of people, all visibly annoyed and some let it escape... Read More
Better Than Accomplishing Great Things
To be a good leader, you need to listen twice as much as you talk. You can be full of grand ideas, but leadership isn’t just moving toward a bright future; it’s about bringing people along with you. This principle is especially important when you’re new. People are more likely to get behind someone they... Read More
I’ve been thinking alot about joy recently as I’m studying through the book of Philippians. What’s got me particularly thoughtful is Paul’s perspective on the source of joy. He seems to make it pretty clear early on in the book that being alive here on earth is all about Christ and his own death would... Read More
Since taking this new job, I’ve been riding the train in to New York City every day; a new experience for someone who has worked out of the house for the last five years. It’s all pretty much ritual: purchasing the tickets, finding the best seats, perfecting the timing of it all. One of the... Read More
The Blind Man and the Art Museum
At South By Southwest this year, I had the privilege of meeting Matthew Smith. I had some very thought provoking conversations with Matthew. One conversation in particular made an impression on me. Matthew told of a project he worked on for his bachelor’s thesis: he went to an art museum dressed as a blind man—sunglasses,... Read More
I’m blogging again. Actually, let me rephrase that: I’m writing again. Blogging is too specific a term. It sounds like something only tech savvy individuals do, people with computers dangling from every appendage, people who type faster than they can speak. It tends to conjure a vision of sweaty-palmed folk in basements wearing pajamas. Yes,... Read More
Virtual Movable Type, First Impressions
What Is It? Ok, the first question that nearly everyone asks when they hear about Virtual Movable Type is: “What’s the virtual part all about?” From the readme file: JumpBox virtual appliances are the easiest path to running server based applications. A JumpBox bundles the operating system with the application and all its dependencies into... Read More
Websites As Applications Tabbed browsing really is a modern marvel. If you haven’t tried it, you should. And while your at it, have you heard about running water? Trouble is, when you’ve got your Gmail, Facebook, Google Calendar, Basecamp, Flickr, Digg and all the other sites a web savant needs to survive, things get pretty... Read More
Writing Your Own Autobiography: The New Persistence of Information
How A Biography Gets Written When someone sets out to write a biography, they don’t just pick up a pen and start writing. A good deal of research has to happen before the author can begin writing. Usually, the biographer will dig up letters, books, news clippings, articles and anything else they can find to,... Read More
She’s A Great Cook, It’s Just…
My wife is a fantastic cook. In fact, her recipe website is getting almost as much traffic as my blog. And her food is to die for. What I find absolutely hilarious, though, is that the #1 keyword people are typing to find her site is cornbread: Why is that funny? Because of all the... Read More
Waiting For Import, Meanwhile Curious Things
First, a confession. No. Rather, a determination. I keep waiting for the monumental things to happen before posting to my journal, but that’s just a ludicrous approach. Most of life is made up of passing moments that are soon forgotten. Trouble is, I’m a mite pretentious at times—I lamented this last year about the pretense... Read More
Twittering Isn’t Just For Pansies
First, kudos to Joy for the reminder that not everyone knows about Twitter. Now, lest you all, upon seeing “Jesse is twittering:” in my Facebook status, think that I’m “giggling nervously” or “tittering” all the time, allow me to explain. What Is Twitter? Twitter is a social network and microblogging site that lets you post... Read More
Finally. Thank you all for patience, and welcome to the new Plasticmind Journal. Now, for those of you long time readers of my “blog”, let me clarify what just happened here. Plasticmind: Food for Thought just became And the thing that lives over at is now my tech blog. See, I did this... Read More
Ok, here we go. I’m pulling down the blog until the new design is in place. Upheaval, I tell you, upheaval!
Things are awry here at PlasticMind! First, I’ll begin with the obligatory gaudy “Under Construction” sign. Poor guy reminds me of the poopsmith. I almost can’t bear to put this up here. I don’t even want to look at my own blog anymore. But here goes nothing: I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t bear to... Read More