
  • Wedding Photos

    January 1, 2006

    My first resolution of 2006: [ ] Get the rest of the wedding photos online. Check.

  • The Leap

    September 19, 2005

    This has been a while in coming, promised it a few days after the wedding, so here it finally is for your listening enjoyment. Mark Nicholson’s performs The Leap, a song he wrote for our wedding. You can view the lyrics here. Thank again, Mark, for making a great day all the greater. The Leap... Read More

  • Sunrise, Day 6

    July 16, 2005

    We’re at sea again, headed back to the motherland. The newly acquired wife is sleeping peacefully somewhere many floors below me. I’m greeting the sun for the first time in quite a while. Like a march of titans against a powder flame sky, the mountain clouds move in the east, accompanied by tin can salsa... Read More

  • Horseshoe Bay, Bermuda

    July 14, 2005

    Our boat docked in the Naval Dockyards today with the Captain’s annoyingly pleasant voice waking us from a sound sleep, announcing that we could now get off the ship. It was 8:02. So we rolled back over and waited for a proper good morning–room service, honeymoon breakfast in bed. Strawberries crowded with real whipped cream,... Read More

  • St. George, Bermuda

    July 13, 2005

    (CORRECTION: I MISTITLED THIS POST EARLIER… ST. GEORGE, NOT HAMILTON, THAT’S TOMORROW…) I think all the stress, running around and lack of sleep in the weeks before the wedding are finally catching up with me. I slept almost nine hours last night with two forty-five minute naps in the afternoon and I still feel drained.... Read More

  • Marriage

    July 12, 2005

    (Alright, I’m actually able to post some of the backlogged journal entries from our trip. There will be quite a few in a row.) Am I different? Not really. Well, sort of. There is an amazing new sense of freedom, a sense of belonging and the necessary human experience of being appreciated by someone. I... Read More