Six Apart ProNet Logo

Some developers have expressed an interest in letting clients know that they are an active part of the Six Apart Professional Network. To help complete the branding process, I’ve put together an “semi-official” ProNet badge that you can use on your site (along with a hi-res .tif for print).


Small Pronet Logo
Small ProNet Logo (.gif/80x15px/72dpi/4k)

Medium Pronet Logo
Medium ProNet Logo (.gif/100x82px/72dpi/4k)

Large Pronet Logo
Large ProNet Logo (.gif/200x133px/72dpi/8k)

Hi-res Pronet Logo
Hi-res ProNet Logo (.tif/872x580px/300dpi/96k)

And a little something for our non-Pronet friends out there (to keep the love alive):