Tag: goodies
SymbolAssist: More Symbols, Less Work
After seeing the nifty characters TwitterKeys made readily available for posting into your Twitter and IM conversations, I got inspired to dig around the 65,000+ Unicode characters and find some more gems. As I did, I started to realize a couple of things. First, a huge list of symbols wouldn’t be all that helpful. Second,... Read More
10 Tips For Creating Website Mockups In Photoshop
Here are some things I’ve discovered while creating website mockups in Photoshop. They’re not gospel, just things that you may find helpful: 1. Use shapes and shape layers as often as possible. You can resize then easily without quality loss, good for later changes. 2. Blending options are your friend. Double click a shape layer... Read More
Shiny, happy people will enjoy this Movable Type wallpaper: /assets/lovabletype-1680.png /assets/lovabletype-1280.png /assets/lovabletype-1024.png /assets/lovabletype-800.png
Movable Type 4.0 Beta Wallpaper
Show your colors with this durable, pre-shrunk, poly-cotton blend wallpaper: /assets/mt4-1680.jpg /assets/mt4-1280.jpg /assets/mt4-1024.jpg /assets/mt4-800.jpg
This helps me unwind, really it does: /assets/presenting-mt-1920w.jpg /assets/presenting-mt-1680w.jpg /assets/presenting-mt-1280.jpg /assets/presenting-mt-1024.jpg /assets/presenting-mt-800.jpg Pick your poison and enjoy.
Some developers have expressed an interest in letting clients know that they are an active part of the Six Apart Professional Network. To help complete the branding process, I’ve put together an “semi-official” ProNet badge that you can use on your site (along with a hi-res .tif for print). Enjoy! Small ProNet Logo (.gif/80x15px/72dpi/4k) Medium... Read More
Be proud of your CMS! Here’s some larger badges to accompany the standard badges that 6A is offering: And one for my dark-sited friends (no white antialiasing around the edges) FIXED, thanks Dan:
Stylesheet: Waters of the Hudson
You should just be able to copy and paste this style sheet into the master style sheet of your blog and you’ll get a nice little site refurb, on the house: