Tag: friendship
<p>One of my good friends <a href="http://www.drewbe.com/">Drew Johnson</a> just started something he’s calling <a href="http://48by48.com/">48 by 48</a>. He’s going to be traveling to each of the 48 continental states—one a week—and will be volunteering in every state along the way. As he does, he’s going to be videoing, blogging and twittering the whole journey.</p> <!--more--><p>He’s... Read More
Just got a card addressed to The Right Reverend Jesse and Mrs. Gardner in the mail today from a good friend. The message is too good not to share: “In honor of your 3rd year of wedded bliss, a LEATHER gift is in order. I have selected one of our goats for slaughter, just let... Read More
Today, I received word that my good friend Sarah (Roegner) O’Dell passed away. December of 2006, her husband, Aaron, invited me out to a birthday celebration for her. I couldn’t go because I was heading up our New Year’s Eve service at church. I promised to call and promptly forgot. I kept meaning to call,... Read More
Rockstars, Coyotes and Fig Pizza
My tour of California has been fast and furious. Thursday morning, I walked from the hostel near Union Square to Van Ness where I hopped a bus up to the north end of town where Arvind was staying with his parents (they are dear people!). Elise picked us both up there and we all made... Read More