Tag: baby
As you can guess my journaling has taken a back seat to parenting; but that’s how it should be. In the meantime, I’ve been trying to capture little moment here and there in any medium I can. In that spirit, I present the Ethan Cam! If you don’t follow me on Twitter, and haven’t heard... Read More
Jessica and I put together a brief list of things that we either didn’t know or didn’t realize about having a newborn baby. It’s not exhaustive (though we are exhausted) and it’s probably not even 100% correct, but hopefully it could be of some use to those with a little one on the way. 1.... Read More
Rorschach no more, we’ve got ourselves a real, live baby! The first ultrasound didn’t really affect me that much (Oh, that blob is mine? Neat-o.), but this one just about floored me (Its moving!!!). Our baby kept trying to put its fingers in its mouth and finally got hold of the thumb. I just love... Read More
It didn’t take nearly as long as I thought it would. But there I was, straining at what would be, in any other context, considered television static. Dark, light and all the gray fuzz in between. Then, with a little help from the nurse, I caught a little pacman-esque blip in the center of the... Read More
Birth: A Fate Worse Than Death
From today’s AP Wire, Clinton Criticizes Obama in NH Mailer: MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) – Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton criticizes rival Barack Obama’s record on abortion rights in a mailing sent to New Hampshire voters. The mailer says that seven times during his time in the Illinois state Senate, Obama declined to take a position on... Read More
Well, those of you savvy enough to follow my Twitter notifications caught my premature notification last week that mysteriously vanished; but now I can officially say it out loud. We’re having a baby! He/she/it is due in August and I’ve got $20 says it’s twins. Jessica, of course, begs to differ. And (as if I... Read More
Happy Birthday, Emma Ariel Gardner
Last night, my very first niece was born… 8lbs., 3oz. and 20”. Congratulations to Nathan, Jessica, Gabe and Caleb on the brand new addition to their family—and the very first Gardner baby girl! Emma Ariel Gardner, 11/27/07 Note: People have been asking, so I’ll answer it here for everyone’s sake. I’m married to a Jessica.... Read More