Man Peed Way Out of Avalanche

Alright, I know I’m not suppose to laugh at this, but such is my fate as a junior high school teacher.

Apparently, a Slovakian man had been trapped in an avalanche after this week’s major European snowfall. He was on his way to a friend’s house for a vacation when his Audi was covered. He rolled down the window to try to dig himself out, but realized he would fill the car with snow before he got out.

So the genius dug upward, compacted the snow that fell and peed on it to melt it away. Fortunately for him, he had 60 bottles in the back seat, so he had plenty of “melting power.” My question is this, though–why didn’t the guy just pour the out beer on the snow instead of punishing his liver? It doesn’t have to be steaming hot to melt snow.

So now when his friends tell him he drinks to much, he’ll hold up his bottle, smile and take another sip.
