Alright, so I may be the only one laughing here, but I’m telling you, 90% of these are true. Just ask my wife when I go off on some diatribe about font selection at the mall…
(Got this from, I added #19)
1. You giggle whenever you use the colors F0CCED, EFF0FF and 44DDDD
2. You’re in the sun and you look around for a Drop Shadow to sit under.
3. You give your relatives (and friends) a lecture about color spaces and profiles when you email them your vacation photos.
4. Seing someone use Lens Flare or Comic Sans adversely affects your blood-pressure. (You have NO idea.)
5. You maintain a grid system for your refrigerator magnets.
6. You organise your CD collection according to the Pantone chart.
7. You sit at work for eight hours straight just looking at your monitor, waiting for a spark of inspiration that doesn’t come.
8. You’re up ’til 5am because you came up with the best idea ever while brushing your teeth.
9. You know Lorem Ipsum by heart.
10. Your kid knows Lorem Ipsum by heart.
11. The preschool teacher complains your child won’t color inside or outside the lines – only indicate colors on a separate sheet.
12. Activating your entire font collection makes your computer crash – and you’re running OSX. (Hahaha, how did you know!)
13. You deliberately butcher your perfectly cross browser compatible site in IE by placing a “Too Cool for IE” banner on it.
14. You prefer a Layer Style of 50% Opacity (or less) on your wife’s Satin.
15. You spend $200 on a font for your personal website because “it’s the only one where the lower-case g is just right…” (Sheepish grin…)
16. Looking at a menu make you go “hmmm, ITC Baskerville italic” rather than “mmmm, lunch!”
17. And when you finally order, you go for Layer Based Slices with Grain Texture…
18. You use words about fonts you dislike that other normal people reserve for fascist dictators and serial killers.
19. You make bets with your friends about the hex color of things in your house.
20. Apple+Z is the first thing that goes through your mind if you drop and break something.