At the risk of sounding sentimental and melodramatic, I’d like to direct everyone’s attention away from the immediacy of their normal lives to consider a man who is my friend and who has just recently become my hero. An embedded reporter with the 48th in Iraq has been following this man around and has just... Read More
Renee Doiron (of dramaturge forum fame) has finally migrated her journey journal over to a cleaner, easier-to-find-your-way-around site that’s also a whole lot easier to remember: Check it out. Lots of interesting stuff there.
As the Gulf Coast reels from this gargantuan one-two punch, a thought crossed my mind. Then the meteorologists said we’re not out of the woods yet, considering the hurricane season doesn’t end until late October. The thought grew stronger and emerged as this entry. Follow me. Money doesn’t grow on trees, and if it does,... Read More
Just wanted to let everyone know if you haven’t noticed that I’ve added a new module to the right bar titled ‘The Gang’… it’s an combined RSS feed of all of my friends blogs. You can click on an entry title and it will take you to their site. I’m working on a page that... Read More
Chaplain John Fisher, newly appointed squad leader and my best friend, has just recently started basic training in the Army and will be shipped over to Iraq come April. He has a blog now where you can keep track of all of his “adventures”: “Its three o’clock in the morning sir!! How are you feeling?”... Read More
Well, I’ve never been a sucker for sentimentality, but when my little nephew Gabriel came along, things changed drastically. I’ve posted some of the photos of his very first camping trip. Gosh. Every time I look at him I think he’s the cutest thing on earth… Sad part about it all is that in a... Read More
A very dear friend of mine passed away today quite unexpectedly. About an hour after I heard the news, the sun was blood red in the sky and it balanced on the horizon. A soul not long ago burned brightly in my sky, but his sunset came and now he is gone. He was a... Read More