After a long and concerted effort by myself and my 7th and 8th grade technology classes (kudos!), the NDCS Promo Video is finished and ready for our Tuesday debut at the fundraiser banquet. I’ve also finished updating the school website; I added photos to give the site “personality.” Who says I’m a geek? Look–real people!
But speaking of geek–more issues with Netfirms and Movable Type. Netfirms tech support sent me a pleasant email that basically told me that I had to hack the perl to get it to work; and I was leary. Seems my hunches weren’t that far off. I guess their hack really only stripped my login screen of the headers, but now I’ve got issues because I can’t login. Or rather, I can login, but it doesn’t remember me. Irritating to say the least. Hopefully we’ll get something figured out by showtime Tuesday night. But I’ve been working on NDCS stuff for about 16 hours now, and it’s a Saturday, so I’m going to bed.