Do It For Your Mouth’s Sake


Does it count as shameless self-promotion if I plug my wife’s site?

Bah, who cares. My wife has always been a fantastic cook, so I thought for her birthday, I’d give her a website (that’s not as bad a golf clubs, right?) where she can share her favorite family recipes and stories with the blogosphere. And before you ask, YES, she took all of the photos herself (“it’s my site, so I should take the pictures”). She picked up photography fast (beginner’s luck).

Anyhow, there are just a few little odds and ends to finish up (adding search, comment section on the tips page, full tag indexing) but the comments and recipe card printouts are working now. Go on, stop by and say hello. She’s been miserably sick this weekend and could use a pick-me-up (one of the reasons the beet recipe *shiver* was up there so long).

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