New Things Every Day

My April 30-day challenge is to do something new every day and I figured it would be a good idea to capture them all in one place.

Here’s my list so far:

  1. Made eclairs from scratch.
  2. Learned to make music with a loop box.
  3. Learned how to treat wood with boiled linseed oil.
  4. Got on the wrong train and got lost in the Secaucus Junction station.
  5. Turned 34.
  6. Launched the new redesign.
  7. Took an exit I’ve never taken, stopped at a restaurant I’ve never been to and got blessed by someone I’ve never met before.
  8. Visited Prospect Park in Troy.
  9. Discovered the Postenkill Creek Falls.
  10. At a rest area, gave an elderly lady from Quebec directions to Florida and helped her check the oil in her car.
  11. Tried out Pax Wholesome Foods, but it turned out to be exactly like Europa or Fresh & Co.—places I eat at every day. New thing fail.
  12. Watched a new movie: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
  13. Got a killer new app for the iPhone: Tweetbot!

I’ll keep this page updated throughout the month. Feel free to suggest ideas if you have them!