I was wandering along some sooty black street
When I came across an ugly green dumpster.
Inside I found a frightened young woman. Her
Hair was tangled and greasy black, face smeared
With grime – dark, dirty circles under endless hazel eyes.
She looked up at me from within her cage, a
Wild animal in this urban jungle. Her body quivered
As though I were about to strike her. Instead, I brushed
A damp newspaper aside and put my hand on her shoulder.
“Maria.” My voice was barely audible. Her eyes
Opened wide in surprise. “You know my name?” Her fear
Reminded me of a small child. I reached around her
Shoulders and pulled her up gently toward me; there was
A hesitancy, then she gave herself up.
What was left of her wasted frame I scooped up into
My arms and carried to my car, to her salvation.