Tag: politics
When Mr. Whitfield was once applied to to use his influence at a general election, he returned answer to his lordship who requested him, that he knew very little about general elections, but that if his lordship took his advice he would make his own particular ‘calling and election sure;’ which was a very proper... Read More
There seems to be some correlation between freedom and maturity. It’s irresponsible to give children the same type of freedom that adults have. I wouldn’t give a six-year-old the keys to my car and if he suddenly disappeared from the house, I’d immediately start looking for him. I wouldn’t do the same with a forty-year-old... Read More
Obama in Berlin: One For The History Books
Though I disagree with Obama politically on a number of points, I must admit that his speech in Berlin was powerful, nuanced and dealt so passionately with the issues of our world today that I cannot help but think it will be one for the history books: People of Berlin – people of the world... Read More
Birth: A Fate Worse Than Death
From today’s AP Wire, Clinton Criticizes Obama in NH Mailer: MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) – Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton criticizes rival Barack Obama’s record on abortion rights in a mailing sent to New Hampshire voters. The mailer says that seven times during his time in the Illinois state Senate, Obama declined to take a position on... Read More
Mike Huckabee just pulled an impressive 9 point lead over Mitt Romney to win the Iowa caucus, the first in what looks to be a long, drawn-out campaign season. I’m sure there’s a good deal of disagreement about him, even among people reading this site. But I’ve found him to be a thoughtful, reasonable candidate... Read More