Tag: election
I’ve spent a week now off Facebook. Most likely you didn’t notice and don’t care, but for someone who typically spends hours each day on Facebook sharing original content and attempting to engage in meaningful conversations—it was a bit “cold turkey.” For me, this is one of my primary means of engaging with the world... Read More
If you follow me on Facebook, you know I’ve been thinking (and writing) a lot about this upcoming election. Now that Election Day is here, I thought I’d share a few final thoughts as I head into the voting booth. My Faith Informs My Vote First, a few thoughts about being a Christian and a... Read More
Mike Huckabee just pulled an impressive 9 point lead over Mitt Romney to win the Iowa caucus, the first in what looks to be a long, drawn-out campaign season. I’m sure there’s a good deal of disagreement about him, even among people reading this site. But I’ve found him to be a thoughtful, reasonable candidate... Read More