Today I lost a treasure.
I held each one in my arms and whispered farewell.
Each one seemed so real, but now-
All that exists is the echo of them.
Listening in this silence
I hear nothing save the mind’s voice that plays,
And plays, and would play, and soon forgets.
I have always imagined the worst tragedy in life
Is not losing your mind, but
Forgetting you ever had one.
So I close my eyes and see your faces
And love you with an unexplainable love,
And an undiminshed memory-
A portrait in my mind.
Of sunshine smiling faces that have been imprinted on my heart.
But I shudder at the thought:
Each time I feel the imprint it becomes less distinct and sharp.
Of slow-moving, sweeping goodbyes that are stroked onto the mind’s canvas.
But I shudder at the thought:
Each nostalgic sweep of my hands on its texture wears and dulls it.
The truest and most alive memories, then
Must be made and remade each moment
With the chisel of rememberence
Shaping the mind’s marble.