Where Are You Plasticmind?!

So I’ve been MIA for a few days (weekend to be precise) with a schedule full of things to do… this time most of them extracurricular:

I’ve been working hard to get Movable Type up and running on our new Northern Dutchess Christian School website. This will allow our administration to post up-to-date news and current event items and make the website easy to post to and therefore (hopefully) current and useful.

We had some other issues at school trying to set up our Apple Powerschool software. Seems as though we need a static IP address, but our current RoadRunner modem won’t support static IP addresses. So today I spent the day trying to both explain and understand the spaghetti that is our school’s network. Our on-site tech guy was extremely patient and helpful, offering quite a bit of great advice. I think we’re going to actually run two seperate physical lines with two seperate IP addresses–one for our Internet service, one for the Powerschool Server. That way we’re not opening the administration computers, lab computers, printers, etc. to issues and attacks that might come with the Powerschool Server. Still ironing that all out…

The Bob Jones Grad Forums are also on my priority list… as you can tell from a simple visit, they are in dire need of a design, so I’ve been working on some squirrel logos (don’t ask, it’s a BJ thing) and various Invision Forum themes. Unfortunately, I have a thousand great phpBB templates and none for Invision… such is life.

And I’ve been having serious writer’s block for the content phase of our Hudson Valley Blogs site (sneak peek). I’m looking to be quirky and I’ve been feeling particularly bland lately. As John W. says, nothing fancy, just get it up! Hopefully we can get this thing up and running shortly.

Speaking of John… The official Chaplain Fisher site design is done and ready to be implemented. I’m just waiting on a few things on the technical end of the spectrum to get finished before that’s up and running. Fish and I are both really looking forward to getting it up so we can start allowing comments (iBlog doesn’t seem to). We’re especially looking forward to great “comment conversations” with some of the thought-provoking issues he’s been dealing with lately.

What else is on my plate? Putting together a promo video (which I will post to the NDCS site when it’s done) for our school. Trying hard to beat the magnifying glass level in Hamsterball. Trying even harder to beat the Skaarj Clanlord in the final level of Unreal Tournament 2k4. Finding addresses for wedding invitations (email me). Looking for apartment complexes around PBU.

Oh and I’d still like to finish that second CD.