I’m almost too tired to enter this post, yet I feel like choosing every category for it. That’s life right now folks, busy, stressful and emotional. As a matter of fact, if I don’t put tension breakers throughout the post, you too might go insane. So let’s take a look at Bob the Kitty, my desk friend (none of this MS Word assistant garbage) for a moment:
Hi, Bob. Looks like he’s busy hunting mice, so we’ll leave him and get back to life. Friday was insanely busy; I played guitar and spoke on temptations in youth group. I miss it terribly, but also feel quite rusty. Next day we skipped out on going to Six Flags in New Jersey, because three and a half hours one way is not (at this point in my life) my idea of a good time. Instead, Jess and I spent the afternoon together, a hint of driving, a dash of yard sale-ing, top it off with a sunset at the quarries with swans beating the air overhead and you have a tough, yet savory day. It’s getting heavy, let’s check in with Bob…
Aw. All this talk of helter-skelter is tiring him out. Let’s talk peaceful. With the sun making long shadows of the gravel mounds, and the geese dragging their feet across the lake, we threw stones at dirt canyons to make the walls collapse. I put my hands in a fresh spring until they went numb, then I sat on some shale and watched the swallows and martins swarm around their nests in the sides of the cliffs like bees. Two or three to a group would fly in dizzying circles around the cliff, then dive to the water, pulling up just in time and skimming across the lake just a few inches above the water. It was hot but the wind cooled us down.
Oh look, I guess I put poor Bob to sleep.
Night, Bob. I guess it’s that time for me too.