After literally hundreds of hours of work on this project, we (Arvind, Elise and I) are finally doing what every good parent has to do–letting our baby wander out into the world. Meet our baby:
Basically, it’s a chance for web designers to get paid for doing what they love (except for me, who volunteered to help put this together and thereby disqualified myself). We got some amazing judges, like Jason Santa Maria, mastermind behind the new A List Apart look, and we got some premier sponsors, like Six Apart (obviously) and Adobe. But the really cool part is that if you’re the grand prize winner, you get $4000 in cash and Adobe Creative Suite (how much is that going for these days). And if you’re a category winner, you get $1000 in cash and your choice of a single Adobe product. So you know you’re not going to win (realism is good), don’t worry–all qualified entrants get sweet discounts on design products. More info about that at the site.
Anyhow, if you’re artistic, by all means, stop by. This is your time to shine (and get sweet moolah). If you’re a leech, you’re welcome here too. Lots of great resources and pretty soon lots of great designs.
After I catch up on the 40+ hours of sleep I need, maybe I’ll fix this pathetic thing I call my blog.