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Twitster Blog

Twitster As A Conference Backchannel

Twitster’s hash tag filtering helped provide a central conversation hub for the 2009 eComm Conference. Conference attendees provided their Twitter accounts as part of the registration process and Lee Dryburgh, founder of eComm Media and the eComm Conference, used Twitster to create an instant community on the site.

Because he used Twitster’s tag filtering to follow a conference-specific tag, people visiting the site got to follow along with this highly concentrated conversation about eComm 2009 and the state of the telecommunication industry.

In Lee’s own words:

Twitster rocked my conference, providing an active backchannel for discussion without being distracting like IRC. Plus, it gave me the power to host the community on my own web site, which made it easier for me to promote and manage my community.

The resulting site was also set to refresh every few minutes and displayed up on screens at the conference so even those without Twitter got to follow along with the conversation.

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