Sike… Merry Christmas!

Start your own Christmas tradition to help make each holiday more memorable.

I’ve resurrected a dear old term from the 80’s to let you all know that I was pulling your proverbial legs last post. I really love Christmas!

In fact, I’m feeling so fine that I’m going to give some goodies to all the readers who’ve been nice. (Naughty readers, please skip this post… there’s always next year!)

» » Joe got me hooked. List what cds you’ve got and what cds you want, and Lala lets you trade ’em with other members for just $1. They even give you nifty envelopes. Dare I say this is better than Prex?

» Sufjan Stevens » My apologizes to those I’ve pestered about listening to him, but here’s some goodwill to men: Listen to every track of all 5 of Sufjan’s Christmas cds for free. Now that’s a holiday playlist!

» John Hodgman » You know him better as the PC. But John Hodgman seems to be Douglas Adams incarnate. Sharp, dry wit. Cutting sarcasm. Oh yeah, and he’s giving away his book, The Areas of My Expertise–a Poor Richard’s Almanac of sorts for the 21 century–for free today on iTunes.

Anyhow, if I don’t get a chance to post before that not-so-silent night rolls around, have a good one. Hug somebody. Sleep alot. Give a gift to someone who’s not expecting it. Call an old friend. Sit in the living room for a few minutes after everyone goes to bed Christmas Eve. Oh, and for goodness sake, turn that computer off!