
  • Portfolio Update

    January 5, 2011

    One of the benefits of this digital purge I’ve imposed on myself is that my site has been getting some long-overdue housekeeping. For several months, my portfolio section was completely broken. I was running an older gallery plugin that stopped working when I upgraded to the new version of Movable Type, and I hadn’t taken... Read More

  • Why I ♥ Melody

    June 24, 2009

    Since it’s launch yesterday, there has been a lot of good will and a little bit of confusion about what Melody is. Some people think it’s a community coup d’état with us as the pitchfork wielding mob storming the Six Apart offices. On the flipside, some people think Melody is just a PR move by... Read More

  • HashMT: The Pulse of the Movable Type Community

    December 5, 2008

    I often find myself so busy using a tool that I don’t usually have time to talk about how I use it. This seems to be the case with many of the developers in the Movable Type community: lots of awesome things being done, not a lot of time left to share their creations and... Read More

  • Simply Recipes Gets iPhone Simple

    November 1, 2008

    We had a blast putting together the original Simply Recipes site, so it’s been a real thrill developing and designing an iPhone web app for Simply Recipes. After all, what could be more exciting than developing a simple interface for a simple recipe website on the easiest-to-use phone out there? There’s nothing like working on... Read More

  • Your Life, Six Words: A Contest

    May 17, 2008

    Inspired by Hemmingway’s powerful six-word short story (“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”) and SmithMag’s Six Word Memoirs, I ran a contest to see who could give me the most original and clever six-word autobiography. The story was limited to six words, but the topics were all over the place. Some people gave a strictly... Read More

  • First and Foremost

    September 3, 2007

    Every great book has some profound beginning. Though nothing close to profound, here’s mine: Design lives all around us and impacts in ways that are sometimes unnoticeable while at other times impossible to miss. People pay me to catch the subtleties and make them work in ways that are impossible to miss. I love that.... Read More

  • A Brief Review of Movable Type 4.0

    August 15, 2007

    Clearly, this new release from Six Apart is monumental. Massive changes to both the interface and the innards make this a drastically new product for them. If you’ve not yet downloaded it, it doesn’t cost you anything. Action Oriented Interface Movable Type 3.x was primarily object oriented: entries, comments, templates. Movable Type 4, on the... Read More