Cardboard White: Swag, Feeds and Beth’s Faux Paus

Ok, so Cardboard White obviously isn’t perfect. But I’m really working at making it something that’s useful (if for no one else but me), so I’ve added a few more things that may help make it easier to stay current with our profuse groups’ posts.

1. First, I added an Atom and RSS feed so you can now use Cardboard White in your news aggregator. In laymens terms: Click on the subscribe button in the address bar of FireFox to have a live listing of the most current posts on cardboard white. Go to a site like and add (the rss 2.0 feed) or (the atom feed) to create a home page with a live listing of everyone’s posts.

2. CBWhite swag is here! Check out for all sort of Cardboard White gear, from mugs to posters to t-shirts. I do apologize for the prices. Cafe press starts with these ridiculously high base prices, so I’m almost selling them at cost. But if you like them and you want something, by all means… be my guest.

3. A word of caution (courtesy Beth) regarding your Private Xanga posts. For some reason, Xanga publishes your private posts in your RSS feed, and Cardboard White builds its pages by gathering your entries from the RSS feed. So the long and short is that private posts appear on the CBWhite page–and there’s not much I can do about it beside taking your site out of CBWhite altogether. Apologies. I should mention that this all came up because Beth posted a ‘private’ entry to Andy (no questions asked here) and frantically tried to take it off when she noticed it appeared on CBWhite. (You should also email Xanga and ask them why in the world they publish private posts to a public RSS feed?!)

4. Did you all notice I added Drew to the mix?